Fun Physiotherapy for Children

Why ‘Fun Physiotherapy ‘ It was a summer evening in 2018 and my children were playing happily under the sun when chaos ensued. What had started as an ordinary game on the swing ended with my daughter, on the floor, yelling in pain with a broken arm. Later that night, I watched as my daughter’s arm was wrapped in a cast to stabilise the bones. What followed were weeks of waiting until finally, the cast was removed, and air was allowed, once again, to the stroke the skin of her arm. However, like most injuries of this kind, the healing of the bone compromised the strength and functions of its surrounding muscles. Like many who injure themselves in this way, my daughter was assigned physiotherapy sessions. However, I soon realised she was not showing interest in doing the prescribed exercises, leading to many painful and frustrating sessions which significantly delayed a full recovery of her affected muscles. Despite my encouragement (and occasional pestering-I am a mum after all), it became clear physio sessions could only be successful if she was entertained or motivated for the purpose of the exercises. Unfortunately, at NHS hospitals, there is always limited time and physiotherapists […]
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Designing for your future self

I have attended the meet-up which was organised by ladies that UX London . As usual a fantastic evening and the most important thing is the really important topic which most of us missed/forget/neglect/left many times. The highlight of the event was that the speakers were experienced industry researchers and their insight to the topic was amazing. During the talk, they started with behaviour of old people and grasp the area of their needs. She also covered the area of physical body degradation by the age and how we all are going to effect by it. So if we start considering designs which also include older people requirements, then we are actually designing for ourself  and as human, we care about ourself more than anyone else. One important slide while designing anything is: There were many heart touching moments when we saw the videos of old people how they used technology and started to blame themselves rather than technology. This quote definitely my ‘quote of the day’ when someone asked an old man why you press the touch screen so hard: ‘It’s like a doorbell, you assume you have to press it long and hard to get someone to hear you.’ The […]
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High Fidelity Wireframes

Here are high Fidelity wireframes for ‘Be a dress Designer’. I worked in UXpin for designing purposes  
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Balsamiq Mockups

Here are balsamiq mockups which I tested with 7 users and after their feedback I changed many things.
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Initial Sketches

Pen and pencil sketches are the first ones of wireframes, here are some images of the process (after 4/5 iterations)    
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Conference: TalkUX Manchester

Last week I attended talk UX conference which was held in town hall Manchester. So beautiful place to see from inside and everyone fall in love with the building. It was really good conference which was organised by the people behind Ladies that UX. The conference encouraged to network with people as well so there were many tea breaks where you have chance to talk to so many people. I loved to meet people from diverse range of background and talking with them was fun. It was interesting experience to go on Oculus Rift which broke in the middle of simulation twice, even then I scored 0 (should play games more!). Emily Heat from BBC discussed the card sorting technique which they are using to arrange their huge data. Here is her slides which she presented the same at talk_ux. Mickela Perera talked about the research and testing with children when she was working with cbbc. Quite interesting talk.  Another talk (#300sec) about designing with children by Sandra Gonzalez caught my attention. It was about how to get children involve into the prototyping session. Talk by alberta soranzo made us to think about digital life after death. It is quite interesting to know that […]
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GA-UX Class Activities

The ’10 minute activities’ we do in class. Photo taken from UXD first class. What are our expectations from UXD class? Ticket machine redesign  Persona
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GA – UX Design

General Assembly’s user experience design course is build for industry practices. It starts with a project and every week I proceed the project. I am outlining my project details here. Personas Problem statement Goals into tasks Conceptual Model Flow Chart Navigation Initial Sketches Balsamiq Mockups High Fidelity Wireframes
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Conceptual Model

Components Size parameters Style selection Amends Dress wardrobe Adding a dress Add amendable areas of dress    
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Goals into Task

Goal: Get perfectly fitted clothes with bespoke design Task 1: Giving measurements (form to fill or select standard UK size) Task 2: Open Dress Closet (already added clothes) and select one dress Task 3: Order as it is (go to task 5) Task 4: Amend the style 4.1 Alterable areas of dress highlighted 4.2 Drag the selected area accordingly to change its style (like increase/decrease arms lengths, adding/removing sequins etc) 4.3 Add any other comments Task 5: Preview dress Task 6: Order Now Task 7: Payment process   Goal: Create Dress Closet Task1: Add dress pic Task2: Define alterable sections of dress Task3: Save, publish    
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